About This Pilgrim

I'm on a journey. A life-long journey toward home. 

I am a stranger and pilgrim on the earth, as all are who in faith follow Jesus Christ. 

I love the big and little things that make heaven feel a little closer.

Fresh ink in a brand new notebook.

A child's hand slipped into mine, arms held out to me.

Worship and prayer with others, tears and all.

Hiking through nature, awakening new wonder.

Stepping out of an airport to experience a new country.

Sipping coffee while deep in conversation with a friend.

All this and so much more reminds me that though I am journeying to my true homeland, Jesus said many times while on this earth, "the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." 

I pray that with each footstep in my pilgrim journey that truth will be made evident, that I will carry the Kingdom with me as the Holy Spirit guides my steps.

Will you join me so we may journey together?  


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