Be Worthy of Your Calling
I was talking to an older gentleman one day about my upcoming trip to Guatemala. He said that his pet peeve is that people go everywhere else to help people, but there is a lot that needs to be done around here.
The latter half of his statement is valid: there is a lot that needs to be done around here. However, I believe that each person is called to a something and somewhere specific to them, as we are all created differently with our own specific calling. I can even tell the differences in place and deed in regard to the callings of many of my own friends.
What I also realized a little after our short conversation was that, if more people dedicated their daily lives to following Christ and what He calls them to, there would be a lot more people helping around here, as well as more people elsewhere; God meant for us to be His hands and feet but there are so many hands that are stiff and feet that are lame that His work is not properly being done anywhere in the world, and it seems like there is lack of help because there is lack of help everywhere.
How sad God must be to see His people not heeding their calling! What makes me sad is that, at least in much of the Western church, our lives are not a continuation of Acts as I’m sure they were meant to be. When will we wake up and listen, get up and heed the calling, the summons of our Lord? He is calling to us to walk out of the boat to Him, and we all say that no, we can do well enough where we are. But how such lies deceive ourselves and hurt others that we are called to bless!
So friends and fellow pilgrims, “Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12). What is God calling you to do? How has He called you to serve and bless others, and where? Are you willing to do what He asks? Will you obey His summons?
Because until all of the Church does as He bids, everywhere will be lacking help as individuals do not heed their specific callings.
Are you worthy of your calling?
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