Don't Call Me Boss.

I couldn't explain why I didn't like it. It just sounded wrong; it was fingernails on a chalkboard to my soul.

"Hey, Boss!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Why not?"


Well, you are! I was told. It's a term of respect! Maybe to them.

But I don't like to be called Boss.

It's the connotation, really. Let's be honest - when anyone hears the word "Boss" they think...well...a not-so-great boss. I don't even like all of those girl posts about "Be a Boss!"


I want to be a Leader.

What is a Boss?

They tell everyone what to do, and often not nicely. They micromanage. They know everything - or think they do. They live by rank and title. They want to stay your boss, with you under them, directing you only by authority. They don't care if you fear them, and therefore only tell them what they want to hear. They're in it for themselves.

So, what is a Leader? They give reasons and help you learn. They want you to be able to do it completely without them. They want to build you up. They want to empower you to be better than them. They are happy when you are happy and successful. They want you to respect them but rely on built trust and influence so that you can tell them whatever it is they need to hear. They're in it for you.

Don't call me Boss. It makes me afraid that maybe that's what I am, all I am.

If you must call me something other than my name, call me Fearless Leader. Because that's what I truly want to be.

Even if I may not have completely earned it yet, I'll strive for it.

Let's see the best in each other and call it out, shall we?


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